
Look what came in the mail yesterday. I'm so excited! It's my diploma for my Master of Education from University of Hawaii.  Most of my work for my masters was done at our school in American Samoa and on my laptop. This diploma is a real, tangible testament to all of that hard work and a reminder of that precious period of my life.

Just yesterday I was giving a lesson at church about patience. I shared that in 2002 we were living in Honolulu and I applied to a masters program at University of Hawaii, but I didn't get in. It wasn't my time. Exactly ten years later the opportunity arose to apply for grad school at UH, this time in a different program and at a reduced cost (since Ephraim was faculty). It was the right time. I'm just amazed at how well our Father in heaven knows us and wants to bless us. In His time. 

So yay!


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