
Showing posts from June, 2018

Balloon Animals


Father’s Day

The boys wore Ephraim's ties to church. Ella got to speak in church about fathers and she did a great job. We love fathers!

Camp Day

We spent the day at the lagoon fishing, kayaking, and enjoying the good summertimes.

Camping Night

We had an overnight at a cabin in Dead Horse Ranch State Park. It was a fun little getaway by the Verde River. We had s'mores, put up a tent, and even saw a skunk! I'd say that's a pretty good camp out.

IKEA trip w the Gals

Naomi loved the sheepskin. Ella loved pushing the big cart. I love seeing them hang out in our pretend living room. The boys loved the play land. That's why they're not pictured. 😉

Table makeover

We had this table from mom. Then someone gave us a big round table. But then it was too big for us so I painted the legs of the old table, and gave the round one away.

California Trip Part 2

After the beach we grabbed lunch at a taqueria with Ephraim's brother, then we zipped back for the graduation. The arena where the graduation took place was packed, and the crowd was nonstop excited! Gapi had a cool after-grad party at a restaurant with a great view. We had a great time celebrating her success. I even got to give the toast! The next day we saw Gapi one more time before heading back home. Back to our desert habitat where "poisonous snakes and insects inhabit the area." I hope we can go to the beach again soon!

Summer Time!!


Birthdays 🎂
