Toaster oven for sale
Complete with free tuna sandwich and unique melted plate art
May or may not have caught on fire once
Recently deep cleaned with a high pressured garden hose
Comes from a usually smoke-free home
Any takers?
The day before school started we tried to forget the inevitable doom by leaving town. This outing took us to Native American caves on the side of a cliff. It was amazing! At the trail head See em? Pottery bits The view from up top. can you tell where the river flows? (hint look for green) For awhile I sat in one cave and took care of baby while the others explored steeper areas. I imagined what it would be like to stay in these caves for shelter and protection. Or to raise my family there. It's not exactly baby-friendly terrain. I think the trip made us grateful for what we have. Even if it means starting school again.
Here's some everyday pics of the end of summer break. We've got a handsome man's birthday, an unfortunate facial spider attack, an adorable self soother, and a real dummy hanging around the house.
Our bishop issued a 10-week challenge to read the Book of Mormon this summer. We decided to give it a try. We adapted the challenge for the younger kids and they read the illustrated version or the Friend magazine. It wasn't easy, but we all did really well. At the end we had a Book of Mormon jeopardy quiz game, and we were surprised at how much the kids knew! To end the challenge we went out to dinner at IHOP.
School starts early around here, and we had to face that reality this week. There was some grumbling, but on the big day everyone was ready. A few exciting things: kindergarten, taking the bus, and entering junior high. Here we go!